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Armand Lesarthois

A member registered Nov 21, 2017

Recent community posts

I explored the demo, and this is some great work.
Nice idea to use AI to generate more art, which is usually why I don't fancy VN - page and pages of text with only one picture.
Pretty simple yet it all feels quite polished.
I hope to see more games from you in the near future :D (as from what I understand, this demo won't see any more work?)

Same general observation as Donut_Worm; I'm using the Oculus Rift, and it feels incredibly hard to do anything. As if our character was very weak.

On my gameplay, the ringing alarm when time runs out is incredibly loud and annoying. Scores aren't saved if they are under the required threshold.

Hitting but not breaking the triangle in the Ninja mode doesnt provide points, which is frustrating; I managed to hit the required 20 triangles onces, but since I only broke less than half, it didn't count. Now I can understand that not breaking them doesn't yield as much points but it should at least provide something.